Books, articles, courses, help, and advice, about the live music business and concert production industry.

Written and compiled by a concert tour manager.

Are you an artist – singerguitaristdrummerrapperbass playerDJkeyboard playervocalistpercussionistsax player, or electronic music producer – looking to get better gigs and go on tour?

Or do you want to get work as a live sound engineerlighting designerbackline technicianconcert tour managerPA systems engineertour chefwardrobe assistant, or merch seller?

Or you are a student studying music management or music performance and need accurate and relevant information for an assignment or dissertation project?

I’m Andy Reynolds, concert tour manager, live sound engineer, lecturer, and author and I am here to help you. I have written articles, books, and made videos, to give you the information you need for a career or studies in the live music business.

Some of the information about the live music business you will find on this site: